Jan 26, 2008

24 Hous or 240 hours

At this moment I am not quite sure which is more. Joey, here and the directors are now with the actors and some have already started blocking while others are doing some table work. Our musicians have arrived and I have given then the scripts that they will be working with. This year we are going to have the musicians writing songs to bridge two pieces together rather than writing for one show. I think this is going to give a nice transition to each of the pieces and it will fill out the night. It is going to be fun. I swear. I say this though I have not slept. I have been up 26 hours as of now. Hopefully Majel will be up soon, (like she can get any real rest with me coming in and out of the office area we call work space/bedroom) and then I will get to take a nappy nap. (yeah, I am THAT tired.) Ok, that is all for now. Signing off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joey is amazingly fantastic!