Jan 26, 2008

Dramaturgically Yours -- Lavina Jadhwani

In less than 12 hours of rehearsal, we've done a little blitz-dramaturgy on Genevieve Thompson's Play, The Most Grandest Prize. Here's some of the our on-the-fly research from today:

- "What is Haldol?" The answer.
- "What does Kevin Bacon's dance from Footloose look like?" The answer.
- "How does the song 'Hakuna Matata' go?" The answer.

More importantly -- what on earth do these things have in common? Guess you'll have to come to the show to find out... see you at the theater!


Anonymous said...

OK-- I watched the Footloose video and I swear, I SWEAR I see Sarah Jessica Parker for a brief moment freaking out in the crowd and dancing in her chair. I can't bring myself to watch it again- but am I right? Was she in that?

Anonymous said...

SJP was indeed in Footloose. Good eye.